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BREDA aims at providing the support to the Top Ranking Growing State of BIHAR. :

1. To explore potential of Renewable Energy Sources.
2. To conduct research to identify the resources?
3. To support the Energy Generation through renewable options
4.To assist Govt. of India, Govt. of Bihar in formulating the policy regarding Renewable Energy Sources.
5. Information dissemination and public awareness through training programs, publication, exhibition, seminar & conference.
6.Pursue power projects based on Renewable Energy for private sector by creating suitable policy environment
7.Formulate & implement a broad based Energy Conservation program & a program for future energy use.
8.Support large scale distribution & marketing of standalone Renewable Energy devices
9.Study the environmental effects of all energy-related processes.
10. Establish an Energy Resources Centre that will collect and collate energy and inter-related information
11. Develop and support Documentation Services in area of energy in general and renewable energy in particular.
12.Develop Communication and Education projects for wide spread dissemination of energy and environmental issues.